Quality Assured –
Under All Conditions.
Pasta Creations with Bite and Colour –
From a Wide Variety of Wheats.

The Flourists
Your Team for Great Flour
Pasta is an important part of international cuisine, but making it at a consistently high level of quality is a big challenge. Luckily, pasta producers can call on the services of a capable partner: The Flourists, a team of experienced technologists who provide exactly the right colour and enzyme systems to millers and pasta makers the world over, helping them make great pasta out of low-protein wheat varieties. The Pastazym and MCcolour flour treatments give pasta a shiny yellow colour, improve its cooking and texture properties, and ensure first-class product quality. Backed by 360° service, our pasta ingredients enable economic production and significant quality improvements. The results are high-quality pasta, minimal raw materials costs and satisfied consumers.