A powerful mixture
Here is what it is all about: only wheat grain contains the ideal protein ratio of glutenin and gliadin, which is so important for the best baking results. The gluten network absorbs gas, thus ensuring a high dough volume. Mixed flours not only lack a part of this gluten-forming protein – their starch content is also higher, the ash content different, the particle size more inhomogeneous and the colour different. This leads to lower dough volume and other unwanted effects on dough properties and baked goods. This is where Compozym comes in.
What it is: Compozym is a mixture of enzymes and ascorbic acid made to enhance mixed flours with non-wheat content of up to 20%. It is suitable for all types of baking applications and composite flours and is also ideal for upgrading particularly weak qualities of wheat.
What it can do:
- Compensate the proportionate loss of wheat flour
- Improve dough stability during proving
- Increase dough volume
- Deliver equivalent baking results to 100% wheat flour
- Lower raw material costs
- Provide competitive advantage through product innovation
Grist calculator:
Mix your flour!
Planning your own specific composite flour is simple:
With just a few clicks, our easy to use calculator will help you establish the ideal blend for your flour composed of wheat and additional flour.
Composite Flour
Meet the Flourists