Perfect Pasta –
MC does it!

Durum wheat is traditionally used to make pasta. Even so, only a fraction of the world’s pasta production uses top-quality Triticum durum. Many producers opt for cheaper, widely used bread wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum). A shortage of raw materials, rising commodity prices and unstable supply chains all make this necessary. Switching to soft wheat alternatives means – given the right flour treatment and process optimisation – no disadvantages whatsoever for the final product. Our Pastazym series enables you to produce pasta with these types of flour as well that is in no way inferior to the durum originals in terms of cooking properties.



Your benefits:

  • Greater firmness
  • Reduced stickiness
  • Reduced starch loss
  • Greater cooking tolerance
  • Improved fraction and shape stability
  • More intense colours

Pasta News

Pasta for the World

Pasta is popular everywhere. Nevertheless, it is not easy to make all its varieties available everywhere in high quality and sufficient quantities. For example, millers and pasta producers in Africa and South America face enormous challenges in terms of quality combined with high price pressures. Their dependence on wheat imports leads to supply insecurity and fluctuating raw material qualities. And different cooking traditions create further challenges – for example in terms of cooking times and the resistance of pasta to be overcooked. . Pasta is eaten all over the world. And we are constantly on the move around the world to develop functional and cost-effective solutions for delicious pasta made from bread wheat. The 9 billion kilogrammes of pasta that we have improved is impressive proof of that.

We conduct research to keep things moving. We are always on the lookout for flour treatment solutions that ensure optimum product quality and make our customers less dependent on imported raw materials. Our latest project: we are looking for innovative solutions for pasta made from composite flour in order to increase the proportion of local raw materials such as maize, millet and pulses.

MC’s enzyme and colour systems enable local millers to process and market even local or low-priced imported wheat into pasta flour. Our presence on the ground allows us to identify regional needs well, but also to share global trends.

Jana Russnak, Head of Pasta Applications

All pasta improvers at a glance


Functional enzyme systems for improving the texture and cooking properties of pasta from durum, hard and soft wheat. All enzyme systems are also available in combination with natural colourants as an all-in-one solution to give the pasta a strong yellow colour at the same time.


Active systems of enzymes and other active ingredients – specially designed for pasta made from gluten-free or composite flours.


Specific vitamin and mineral premixes for enriching pasta.


A combination of various natural colourants to achieve a rich yellow colouration. Regional product requirements and food law requirements determine the individual selection.



360° Service for perfect Pasta

The production of high-quality pasta is a complex process. It is not just about the right quality of the flour. Drying and all further manufacturing steps are also relevant. As well as the production facilities and the right choice of ingredients. It is about bringing all the pieces of the puzzle together into a functioning whole. We have brought together the necessary disciplines in a powerful team so that we can provide our customers with the best possible support: technologists with experience in industrial pasta production, food technicians, enzyme specialists and pasta lovers.

Pasta pilot plant

Samples of flour from all over the world are processed and analysed directly in our pasta technical centre – part of the Stern Technology Center Futuremaker in Ahrensburg. In state-of-the-art pilot plants. For this purpose, we cooperate with the Italian manufacturer Fava S.p.A., the market leader for industrial pasta production equipment. We work with our customers to develop customised active systems for their specific requirements at this pilot plant.

Meet the Flourists

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